Click photo for lager image. This new program that I’m using makes it really easy. I might just have to buy the full version. Thank God that it’s not several hundred bucks like Photoshop. The downside is that I can’t really alter the images or create special effects. And of course, if you didn’t already […]
“Posed for Long”
Click photo for larger image. Thus begins a series of strips based on my little brother’s move to New York. He was accepted into the Colombia School of Music and will be working on a Masters for education…or something like that.
“Family Photo, Part 2”
Click photo for larger image. I’ll post the good photo later.
“Family Photo, Part 1”
Click photo for larger image. Inevitably, a family vacation always leads to a family photo. Everything actually went pretty smoothly. The funniest part of the evening was when my mom got drunk on margaritas. We were all pretty drunk, but listening to her slurred speech and jump from topic to topic was classic. The other […]