Tag: sisterhood

  • “Thoughts Bowlin’ Over”

    “Thoughts Bowlin’ Over”

    Click photo for larger image. Seriously though, I think about cats ALL the friggin’ time. Also, the entire Christmas vacation the only song my sister would sing was “All The Single Ladies.” Come to think of it, that’s what this comic is about, what we think about all the time. Man, does this make us […]

  • “Undressed Rehearsal”

    “Undressed Rehearsal”

    Click photo for larger image. So, we went to see a performance. Not sure they were ready at all. Inna’s sister said that not everybody came to rehearsal consistently, which I don’t understand. I mean, c’mon, if you know you’re going to have to perform something wouldn’t you practice? Aren’t you supposed to make time […]