Tag: space

  • Outside Space

    Outside Space

    #223 Outside Space A continuation from the previous comic. The real life version of this cat is always trying to escape. What does he hope to find outside? How will he deal with it? Everything outside is so alien.

  • Doctor Huh

    Doctor Huh

      I feel a little bad and sad that Doctor Who has lost it’s romance for me. Somehow Matt Smith’s adventures as the Doctor never really connected with me. Somebody online somewhere said that the writers forgot to make us care about the characters…all the stories are “let’s put the characters in these situations and […]

  • Attack of the Groans

    Attack of the Groans

    CLICK FOR LARGER IMAGE I’m a little late to the Disney/Star Wars party…better late than never!

  • The Kitty Strikes Back

    The Kitty Strikes Back

      Will Darth George turn out to be Bubba Skywalker’s father?  Stay tuned for the next Maury Povich Show to find out.

  • Yet Another Eternity

    Yet Another Eternity

    “Yet Another Eternity” The time sink of twilight thrusts forth An eternity of stasis. Streaked light, blurred sight, proves daunting The task of navigation at hand.

  • Speed of Mind

    Speed of Mind

    “Speed of Mind” Consider the largeness of space and time,