“Cooped Up”

126 Cooped Up 22JUL2011

Sorry for the long delay between comics. We recently got a PS3 and a big ass TV, so now we’re perpetually watching Netflix and playing video games. Who’s got time to goof off on the internet when there’s so much entertainment to be had!

But seriously, remember the old days when you could still watch a show even though the reception wasn’t great? Sometimes you could get a sexy channel and make out just enough picture and just enough sound. Nowadays it’s all or nothing. If there’s no picture, there’s no sound.

A conversation that Inna and I always have is criticizing the companies who advertise “we can help you save money, buy our book or watch our program.” Of course, step one is always to identify what you’re spending on stuff you don’t need. Usually it’s some kind of cable TV. Really? Who NEEDS it? I’m sure you know someone out there who’s barely making it, yet they’ve got all the channels they’ll never need plus the premium channels they’ll never watch. Then you see that they’ve all got fancy cell phones…really?

Anyway, chickens need TV too.