Let It Be
#257 Let It Be This is a true story.
Toy, Snack, Cat
#256 Toy, Snack, Cat Figuring out what a toddler is trying to communicate is always a challenge. They always use the same sounds and expressions to ask for different things. Big bucks, no whammies!
#255 Well, Sh*t
# 265 Well, Sh*t My hands are either always super sweaty or super dry, never anything in between. The super dryness makes picking up dog poop extremely difficult. You guys know.
#254 Hop on Pop
#254 Hop on Pop The child’s new favorite thing is to hop on me. It’s cute and annoying. Little dude is heavy.
#253 At Least We Have Each Other
#253 At Least We Have Each Other I can’t believe that we’re living through this global crisis. I wonder if this counts as the apocalypse? Maybe? Things will probably (hopefully) be different afterwards. Maybe for the better? Out of the ashes, as they say.
#252 Toss the Baby
#252 Toss the Baby Babies love a good toss.