#242 Meet of the Matter
Have you ever worked at a place where communication was not valued at all?
We’ve all been there before. There are meetings that are a complete waste of time because you have no stake or contribution. There are meetings about meetings about meetings.
But what about the meetings where stuff can actually get accomplished? Those are the meetings that this comic is about. Some projects are highly collaborative and require multiple forms of communication, especially if there isn’t a clear leader. That’s right. If there is no one leading, then everyone is leading. Therefore, everyone has a say in how things get accomplished. That sounds like the definition of collaborative to me.
It’s been extremely difficult because leadership does not understand the value of communication or collaboration. It seems to be expected that everyone to be a drone. And as I look around the office, I clearly see the “robot” personality type — keep to yourself, check-in, then check-out kind of people. My team is the opposite and it’s scare for leadership because it puts them out of their comfort zone. But some projects need communication and collaboration.
Shoot. If I wasn’t working on the same thing with these people, we would probably NEVER meet. I would become a lonely drone in an endless sea of cubes.