#244 Praematurum Eiectio Sometimes "good enough" is good enough. But what if you haven't even reached that point? A grade of 'B' or …
Less Talk
#243 Less Talk This is a continuation of the previous comic. I'm still surprised when I think about how little value management puts into …
Meet of the Matter
#242 Meet of the Matter Have you ever worked at a place where communication was not valued at all? We've all been there before. There …
The Big To-do
#239 The Big To Do I have to thank my friend and colleague Brian for the phrase "nuke and pave." I mean, sometimes that's all you can do. …
Any Minute Now
#234 Any Minute Now Guys, I wrote this comic yesterday morning. Sure, I'm reusing a bunch of panels from previous strips, but sometimes …
The Plan Is
#230 The Plan Is Continuing the same line of thought of the previous comic...it's pretty annoying when the so called the management doesn't …