Rilakkuma and Kaoru
I love watching bizarro shows, and there is no show more bizarre than the recently released Rilakkuma and Kaoru series from Netflix. Animation First of all, I love that it is done in stop motion. It made me remember all the warm and fuzzy feelings I had as a child watching Wallace and Grommit, The […]
Establishing a New Chapter for the LA WordPress Meetup
I’m organizing, with the help of a few others, the first meeting of the University Park Chapter of the Los Angeles WordPress Meetup Group.
For The Mother of My Child
Though the fruit of our loins has sprung forth and taken over our lives, There is nothing which shall block or stop what is thine My love for you, which runs much deeper and how! Because there’s there’s there proof, he’s crawling around the house now.
Years Becoming
These years become years, We’ll fill with laughter and tears, Emotions we behove, Including hopes and fears, Wrapped in this timeless love
Topsy Turvy
Fluffy bunnies and kitty cats,Flying saucers and vampire bats;Topsy turvy, spinning ‘round,All my fears. Not safe. Not sound. Evil lurks while I sit and stare.Goldilocks and Papa Bear.Loopy scoopy nabalooneyIn my head a smokin’ doobey. Freakshow clowns and Ranger Rick,Sunshine frowns and baby’s sick;Topsy turvy, spinning ‘round,All my fears. Not safe. Not sound.
The Do Overs Do Halloween!
What good is being in a band if you don’t play a show every now and then, right? The Do Overs will be casting a spell over the Silverlake Lounge this Halloween When: Monday, October 30th @ 11pm Where: Silverlake Lounge -2906 W Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, California 90026 Price: FREE! https://www.facebook.com/events/125014398162051