Tag: apartment

  • Dawn of a Mew Day

    Dawn of a Mew Day

    #240 Dawn of a Mew Day If you are ever thinking about getting a cat, the only real thing to keep in mind is that they are creatures of ritual and habit. Without fail, the cats always wake us up at 5am to be fed. Whenever my wife’s alarm goes off in the morning, one […]

  • Waiting


    #238 Waiting One of these days I’ll get a spy cam so that I can see what the animals are doing while we’re gone.  I’m sure it’s exactly like this.

  • Still In Bed

    Still In Bed

    #235 Still In Bed I may have said it before, but I’ll say it again, and again, and again that one of the best feelings in the world is having a cat on you. Time stops. Enjoy the warmth. The weight. It’s an exercise in patience and stress management. Whatever you might have going on, have […]

  • Love Is…

    Love Is…

    #232 Love Is… Remember when the phrase “Netflix & chill” entered the vernacular? Sure it was a euphemism, but I don’t think the young’uns actually understand its implications completely. Maybe it’s because I’m well in my 30s…was it ever “DVD & chill” or “VHS & chill”? Baby, all I want to do is to fall asleep […]

  • Another New Year

    Another New Year

    #226 Another New Year It’s not just February…but February is practically half over.  Where is this year going? Where is time going? If this comic seems familiar at all, here is why New Years Resolution

  • Falling Awake

    Falling Awake

    #209 Falling Awake You know what they say, when the temperature is too hot, get out of the oven. But without any care, you’ll fall flat on your face.