#240 Dawn of a Mew Day If you are ever thinking about getting a cat, the only real thing to keep in mind is that they are creatures of …
#238 Waiting One of these days I'll get a spy cam so that I can see what the animals are doing while we're gone. I'm sure it's exactly …
Still In Bed
#235 Still In Bed I may have said it before, but I'll say it again, and again, and again that one of the best feelings in the world is …
Love Is…
#232 Love Is... Remember when the phrase "Netflix & chill" entered the vernacular? Sure it was a euphemism, but I don't think the …
Another New Year
#226 Another New Year It's not just February...but February is practically half over. Where is this year going? Where is time going? If …
Falling Awake
#209 Falling Awake You know what they say, when the temperature is too hot, get out of the oven. But without any care, you'll fall flat on …