Tag: sleep

  • #249 Merry Catmas

    #249 Merry Catmas

    #249 Merry Catmas The script for this comic had already been written back in October of 2017, but it just takes me forever now to make a comic. But if you’re interested, I’m testing out a new method for drawing. I now have access to a Surface tablet with stylus and I’ve been playing around […]

  • Still In Bed

    Still In Bed

    #235 Still In Bed I may have said it before, but I’ll say it again, and again, and again that one of the best feelings in the world is having a cat on you. Time stops. Enjoy the warmth. The weight. It’s an exercise in patience and stress management. Whatever you might have going on, have […]

  • Love Is…

    Love Is…

    #232 Love Is… Remember when the phrase “Netflix & chill” entered the vernacular? Sure it was a euphemism, but I don’t think the young’uns actually understand its implications completely. Maybe it’s because I’m well in my 30s…was it ever “DVD & chill” or “VHS & chill”? Baby, all I want to do is to fall asleep […]

  • Final Resting Place

    Final Resting Place

      Advice: let sleeping dogs lie.

  • Turndown Service

    Turndown Service

      Cats. Passive aggressive as hell. Best way to get a cat to do something is to interrupt whatever he’s doing.

  • What’s Not To Do?

    What’s Not To Do?

      Best New Year’s Eve ever!