Tag: los angeles

  • Feast of the Living

    Feast of the Living

      #205 Feast of the Living Guilty as charged. Whenever I’m starving, I get grumpy and stop functioning. You do not want to be around me when I’m a hangry zombie…unless of course you decide to be my hero. Feed me chips and I’ll return to normal. Also, never feed me chips. I turn into […]

  • Shaken and Stirred

    Shaken and Stirred

      #200 Shaken & Stirred Testing out a new a new lay for my 200TH comic! I saw somewhere online that vertically read strips are the it thing these days because of mobile optimization blah blah blah. But the truth of the matter is that listening to Taylor Swift’s “Shake it Off” usually makes things […]

  • What’s Not To Do?

    What’s Not To Do?

      Best New Year’s Eve ever!

  • The Number 2 Gift

    The Number 2 Gift

      This comic is being updated from my Hawaiian Vacation!!! Thank you internet. See below.

  • Human Behavior

    Human Behavior

      Every time we have a get together with more than just a couple people, the cats hide out in the bedroom. Makes perfect sense, I guess. Cats are more introverted seeming and want to keep to themselves. I can relate a little. But once in a while they’ll come out of hiding to socialize. […]

  • The Old Song And Dance

    The Old Song And Dance

      Attempt number 2 at drawing my stories instead of taking photos. One thing I learned from a comic artist online is that he doesn’t ever draw or redraw. He had a bunch of pre-made pieces which he just assembled and re-assembled. Why work hard when you can work smart. But either way… Here is […]