What Meow?
#231 What Meow? Have you worked on something for so long that you actually begin to hate how it’s turning out? And sometimes all you can do is polish a turd. Sometimes all you can do is come to terms with polishing that turd until it’s so smeared and spread out that it’s just everywhere […]
The Number 2 Gift
This comic is being updated from my Hawaiian Vacation!!! Thank you internet. See below.
“Goin’ Nowhere”
It’s true. Aggie doesn”t really get along with George. She tolerates him, but whenever he tries to make friends she loses it and gets into a fighting mood. Except that the funny part is that she doesn’t fight. She just makes a lot of complaining noises while he harasses her. She tries to run, but […]
“From Foot to Mouth”
Click photo for larger image. At the risk of being weird, I’m going to tell you that meals in my family inevitably gravitate towards poop. We’re a bunch of potty mouths. But, COME ON! Poop is hilarious.
“Cesspool of Life”
Click photo for larger image. So, it’s pretty amazing that they found this arsenic bacteria. Huge implications on how life is built or how it adapts and evolves or where it can thrive. Diaper in a tide pool, anyone?