#249 Merry Catmas
#249 Merry Catmas The script for this comic had already been written back in October of 2017, but it just takes me forever now to make a comic. But if you’re interested, I’m testing out a new method for drawing. I now have access to a Surface tablet with stylus and I’ve been playing around […]
Frequently Asked Question
#233 Frequently Asked Question My wife told me about some neighbor on her street growing up who would always walk around with a cat on his shoulder. She and her friends called him “Catmandoo”. That’s me. I completely blame my friend from high school for my love of all things kitty. When we were roommates, […]
#202 Homecoming Is this really one of the reasons why dog people love dogs? The neediness? The excitement? Is this what they call love? Is there such a thing as love? I mean, sometimes I just want to come home and relax for two seconds before dealing with the little gremlins. But, I do have […]
The Number 2 Gift
This comic is being updated from my Hawaiian Vacation!!! Thank you internet. See below.
The Thought of it All
“The Thought of it All” Remembering a moment and savoring the thought A sweet, sublime melody cornered and caught Finely construed over the distance time passes The bluest of skies and the greenest of grasses This counterpoint nuanced and cadences written Oh, polished recall! Oh, memory smitten! – September 9, 2013