Reality Vision
#208 Reality Vision The guiltiest of pleasures: people watching.
Silence of the Naps
We (holler cat people!) all know that this process is never a fast one. AND it’s a process fraught by indecision. But in the end we (they) get what they want. I do have to say that these are among my favorite afternoons. Diana likes to say when it’s nap time, “All animals on me!” Goddess […]
Cupcake, Yupcake
If Diana’s parents had never visited last week, this cupcake photo may have become lost for all eternity. The truth of the matter is that you never know when you’re going to accidentally photobomb a nice family moment. Accidental photobombs are the best, am I right? Dear Anya, I hope you see the […]
“Counting the Minutes”
Hahaha. Gross. Pretty sure this violates Article 60 of the Bro Code. Comic is a little late in posting because my dad’s birthday was last week. But he flat out asked me on the phone if I was going to make a comic for his birthday. I hadn’t really thought about it, but now I […]
“From Foot to Mouth”
Click photo for larger image. At the risk of being weird, I’m going to tell you that meals in my family inevitably gravitate towards poop. We’re a bunch of potty mouths. But, COME ON! Poop is hilarious.
“A Year’s Worth”
Click photo for larger image. Merry Christmas to you all from me and my family.